The Digi-block system

Product list

(AUD prices effective 1 May 2024, do not include postage and handling cost and GST)

#1 Block of 1000


#2 Replacement 1000 holder


#3 Block of 100


#4 Transparent block of 100


#5 Decimal blocks kit (200 pcs)


#6 Three place demonstration counter


#7 Two place student counter


#8 Place value mat with three digit cards


#9 Decimal place value mat


#10 Number line 0-30


#11 Array mat


#12 Train cut-outs (pack of 60)


#13 Intro for Teachers video on USB


#14 Comprehensive Teacher’s Guide (K, 1-2, 3-4)


#15 Operations with Whole Numbers and Decimals


#16 Kohlberg’s Digi-Block Mathematics (PreK-K, K-1)


Request for a quote

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Items and quantities

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